Ready to use Solutions

Be empowered without of the box and easy to use analytics. Operating on the edge

Out of the box solutions - catalogue

Utilize our out–of-the-box video analytics operating on the edge.

Choose the analytics you are looking for from our catalogue, such as Intrusion Detection, Tailgating, Loitering alerts, License Plate Recognition (LPR), Camera Tampering Detection, Fall Detection, PPE Detection and more!

People Count
Fall detection
PPE detection
Intrusion detection
Loitering detection
Vehicle count
Vehicle classification
Traffic flow
Licence plate recognition (LPR)
Traffic Incident management
Camera tampering detection

Be in control

Your industry solution configured by us

Looking for more?

Your industry solution configured by us

You have specific business needs that requires advanced business logic. You would like us to configure a custom video analytics solution, tailored to your scenario.

No problem! Our TrackThings Platform enables us to rapidly create industry-specific Video Analytics solutions

TrackThings, the CV Suite for makers

You are a member of an innovation or computer vision team and would like to create and deploy your own video analytics modes and solution.

Great! With the VI TrackThings suite, you can build enterprise computer vision solutions in days, not months.

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